What Are Our Beliefs!
Stop All Domestic Violence Incorporated

What do we stand for !
Here at stop all domestic violence we believe that everyone matters and everyone is included and worth helping and supporting. Man, women, child, grand parents, parents, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunties, gay or straight, black and white. We are all important and should not have to put up with violence anywhere from anyone.
It doesn’t not matter what colour you are or where you live. If you are in the world then you matter and are important to us. Everyone has a voice and is worth supporting. We believe that we all have value and we all matter to the world. We stand for peace, love, acceptance and understanding to all.
About The Author
Why is educating about domestic violence important?
Education is important because you get to understand how it works. How abusers operate and what they need to abuse you. The more you know the better you will do and the more you will understand about what to do so that you can do even better. I found when I got educated I had a clear plan of what to do and how to get out of the situation that I was in. As a result I was no longer able to be abused like before. I could make informed decisions about what I needed to do that worked for me. I got myself support and kept working on myself so that I got better and better every day. Education is the first step to doing better and leaving domestic violence behind. Education needs to be taught in schools, clubs in woman’s groups and at work so we all can do better.
I am an author who has spent my life being bullied and also in terrible domestic violence. At school I would fall off my chair because I was bullied so much at school I would pass out from distress. I was the child that everyone would make fun of and laugh at all day every day.
I also experienced the worst of the worst of domestic violence where I was kept in captivity locked in a house with bars on the windows and doors. Being stabbed, beaten, raped, programmed, starved, kept awake at night for hours and days at a time. Also was kidnapped, burnt and one day nearly drowned. The man who did this was already on bail for murder of a policeman in a domestic violence he had a thirty year history of violence and assaults. I was pregnant with my child at the time. I was so traumatised I kept visiting him in Maximum jail to keep my family and baby safe. He had threatened to send hit-men after me if I leave him.
I eventually stood up to this man in Jail visits area telling him to send hit-men after me that I don’t care any more I have had enough. I got help from local community and got educated about Domestic violence and went on to make changes to the system and the laws and the procedures in Australia because of my case. I now help other victims and educate about domestic violence and bullying in my charity called stop all domestic violence inc
What I found was when I got educated about this my life got better. I could then make informed decisions that were right for me. I use this information to educate others by going to shopping centres and supermarkets and freely giving this information out to others. By doing this action I am making a difference for other victims of abuse.
I was born in New Zealand and left New Zealand when I was 18 to come to Australia to get away from my father who would continually put me down and was abusive to me and others in the family.
I have had many roles in this life that I have played such as being a pre school teacher, a single mum, a business owner, a advertising adviser and organiser. A life coach, a charity worker, a natural healer, a cook, a cleaner. a singer, a poet and now a children’s author. Using all of this experience I write my children’s books. I also look at mother nature and listen to the lessons that she tells me or sometimes kindly shows me.
My children’s books have positive life changing messages in them. There are a few books which are just for fun or educational for children to read.
But most of my books have some important message in them that will help the child have a better healthier life. By writing books in this way I believe I am improving children’s lives. I also believe that I am making the world a better place to live which has been my goal since I was a very small child.
I also write poems with positive messages in them. In this way I am getting my message out there in a fun positive way that inspires others to do better in their life. It gives them a positive message to remember and use when life gets difficult.
Some of the topics I address are boundaries, self esteem, sexual abuse, core personal values, warning signs of an abuser, myths of domestic violence, different types of abuse, disability, being true to you, protecting our wildlife, working together and using kindness, bravery, using your knowledge of what you have experienced to make things better for others, we are all equal and have the same needs, self- improvement, working on your issues, environment and mother nature.
Suzanne Day
We also have more information about Domestic Violence on our Blog on our Business website at:
Stop All Domestic Violence.
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