Acts of Kindness Stories


First Act of Kindness

We come across many acts of kindness. More stories will be added soon …

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Victims Stories


Warning Signs Of Bullying Taking Place

Often when bullying is happening there are warning signs that your child is being bullied or is bullying someone else.Knowing about these warnings signs is a great way for you to protect and care for your child and other children.knowledge is key so learn about the warnings signs so you can help to stop it before it starts and gets out of control.


Reasons Why A Victim Will Not Leave A Domestic Violence  Situation

 They have a false belief to work on and change.

They have a value they believe in that needs to be worked on and changed with a counselor i.e( all good women stay with their man no matter what.)


Victims Story

A 9 year old boy was punishing a 31 year old pregnant woman.
A 32 year old man step dad between them and caught the boys punch and held his wrist.
The 32 year old man let him go and the boy ran around the two adults and on to a road.



Account Name: Stop All Domestic Violence inc.
Bank: Westpac Bank
BSB: 032829
Account Number: 267889

We regularly have Stalls at various locations, with the items we sell and donation box and details of books available to purchase that I have written.

Charity Stall at Aldi
Charity Stall at Aldi


Children's Books

In order to have funds to help stop all domestic violence in our local town and community.

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PROMOTE Programmes

We promote programmes and activities that help us to stop domestic violence from happening!

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What we stand for!

We are all important and should not have to put up with violence anywhere from anyone.

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Stop Domestic violence

Educate yourself in matter of domestic violence so that you understand and know about all the forms of domestic violence and can spot it when it is occuring.

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Fund Raising

Be a support person for someone in domestic violence. Inform the police of cases of domestic violence so that they can intervene and offer help.

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What are our beliefs!

Here at stop all domestic violence we believe that everyone matters and everyone is included and worth helping and supporting.

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Our Volunteers



We also have more information about Domestic Violence on our Blog on our Business website at:
Stop All Domestic Violence.

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