
Rosie The Little Fish That Got Away – E-Book


Available as: E-Book
Published: April 2018
Pages: 30
Size: 8.5×8.5
ISBN: 9781543408423

Available on backorder

SKU: SKU-001157239 Category:


Rosie The Little Fish That Got Away talks about domestic violence and its terrible effects on victims. It is also the story of how one victim—the writer—overcame her abuse and went on to have a happy and successful life with a lovely and kind partner. The writer uses sea creatures to tell this powerful story and to inspire children through the knowledge that no matter how bad your situation, there is always a way out. Keep trying, and do not give up.

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So Rosie sat on the bottom of the ship, thinking of what to do so she could get out. She tried all the doors and windows once again, and still they would not open. Jack had made sure they all shut very tightly. Rosie became very sad and began to cry. She cried for days and days. She looked through the window and saw Jack. She begged and begged for him to help her.

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Book, E-Book


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