Hope The Labrador

Hope The Labrador

Hope the Labrador was a beautiful natured puppy who was in the beginning full of love and trust for others. She lived in a family with five other puppies.

As she was the oldest puppy she would often be made to look after the other puppies by her mum and dad even though it was not her responsibility to do this and she was still a pup herself. This would make her mad and she hated being forced to do something that she did not want to do and was not really her job.

Another thing that happened was that her mum would sexually poke her in her private parts. This would cause Hope to feel very upset, overwhelmed and unsafe in herself and in her body when this happened. But what made it even worse was that her dad would watch when this happened he would just stand by and do nothing and watch this violation taking place on Hope she felt so angered inside by this  and that no one was on her side. Her father did nothing to stop the abuse happening to her he just watched like he approved of it taking place on Hope.

She did not understand why her mum and dad did these horrible acts to her. With her father watching the abuse it felt like both her parents were actively abusing her. Also Hope was so young that she did not understand about boundaries or even sexual abuse and safe touch so she did not really know that the abuse that was happening to her was not ok she just knew how it angered her inside. As she did not really understand about abuse she did not stop it from happening as she though her parents must know best. Also she was in shock at what was happening to her she felt alone in the world and not really wanted by her family that she belonged to.

Another day her mum punished her in the face with her paw and broke her nose but she never took her to a vet for treatment just left it broken like that. It wasn’t until many years later when she was grown up and she was visiting the vet for something and he asked her if she had a broken nose at first she said “no!” Then she had a flashback about her mum hitting her in the face on her nose and the blood dripping down her so she told the vet “yes she did have a broken nose” and the vet fixed her nose with an operation.

She left home and formed a new life away from her parents. Then she begin to talk about this to other dogs that she trusted telling them about her bad experiences with her parents they supported her completely. This made her feel accepted and loved and that it did not matter that she did not have support from her parents. She formed a new family from the lovely dog friends that she met along the way. This made her feel loved and cared about and that  her life was ok and she lived a happy full life with her lovely new dog friends.

Do you know what safe touch it?


Do you know what abuse is?


Do you know what boundaries are?


Do you know what a flashback is?


Do you know what sexual abuse is?



Moral Do work on yourself to heal your emotional wounds so that you can really love yourself again. Then you are able to love others too and you can be competently whole again!