Little Bear Finds Support

Little Bear Finds Support


Little bear had brown fur that was very soft and warm. She had beautiful blue eyes that shone.  She just wanted to feel love by her parents and others but this did not happen for her. She was a good catholic bear and did what she was told and did not want to cause trouble for anyone.

She had a brother who was three years younger than her. She was raised by snakes that made her feel rotten, sad, frustrated and resentful inside. There were separate rules for her than with her younger brother who was spoilt by his parents. He was treated as the golden bear and could do no wrong. But little bear was screamed at by her mum and dad so little bear didn’t know what the rules where.  They kept changing daily. Little bear had no friends, or family to help her and felt abandoned by everyone. She though she was alone in the world and no one cared about her or how she felt. She would trust strangers more than she would trust her family. She felt that she deserved the abuse she received by her own family. Sometimes she felt she would get thrown out with the garbage because that’s what she felt like and no good for anything.

At school she was bullied every day and felt so unsafe and unloved by everyone. A lot of the time she did not function at all and was completely closed down she was so distressed with her life. All the abuse broke her inside. She felt she was broken and not able to be fixed inside.  For a lot of the time she was screaming inside. She wanted to be heard and   to have a voice. She felt there was no where safe to  go. As a child she was suicidal and felt there was no hope for her. She left school as soon as she could so she was not abused by her family this was a safer option for her to get away from her abuse. So she escaped from her home so that she could feel loved and she would have on contact with family on good friends who would support her.

But one day little Bear meet a kind teacher at school. this saved her and gave her hope again. This teacher helped her and let her know that she was not alone in the world.  Some one cared about her and was on her side. This kind action  by the teacher probably saved her life. It gave her a safe place to go to. Also little bear was very stubborn and refused to give up and was so very strong.


Moral Look for someone who cares and is on your side. Let them support you so you are not alone.