The Little Blind Donkey

The Little Blind Donkey


Henry was an old donkey he was very slow but steady. He had lost his sight in an accident but he still worked. That was because he wanted to contribute to his local community in some way. The other donkeys would pick on him and make fun of how slow he was. But Henry did not care he still kept working and doing his best it was what he did. He did not give up easily. He felt happier when he was doing something of benefit to others. He believed that he could make a difference to others and make their life better.

Sometimes he wondered if the little things that he did ever made a difference to anyone else. Most of the other donkeys only thought of themselves. What they could get out of the situation [what was in it for them]. But Henry did not think like this at all he believed that little kind acts can make a difference to the world even in a small way.

The other donkeys would play nasty tricks on him. Like leaving sticks on the path that Henry would have to walk on, so that he tripped and fell over. Henry would get very sad when this would happen to him. He was made the joke of the donkeys. Often he would meet kind children who would talk to him and pat him. He would enjoy these times they made him feel safe. Henry loved the children they were so honest and trusting of him and they did not judge him for his faults. He made sure he never ever hurt them. They were his friends they were safe for him. Henry was a loner that was for sure.

One day a little girl was sick and needed to see a doctor urgently there were no other donkeys available to take her. So Henry took her he knew that he would be slow but and he would get there. It was raining hard when Henry took off with the little girl. But Henry was very determined and did not give up that was one of his best traits. He just never gave up on his goals and would keep going until he succeeded. For hours the little donkey walked the path to the Dr’s. Through the rain and wind he keep going. Finally he reached the Dr’s and the girls life was saved. Henry taking her there had saved the girls life. But Henry believed he was just doing his job.

Henry was looked on as a hero for his brave act and not giving up. The other donkeys were very jealous of Henry and how special he was. How everyone loved him except the other donkeys.


Moral Just because you can’t see doesn’t mean you can’t be special!