
Christmas Message To Everyone

Its Christmas time again and this year has been a hell of a year for most people. So i would like to give a message to everyone to take care of yourself, love yourself first. Then find ways to help others any way that you can to make the world a better place. If we all do something kind and caring for someone and use that as our present to others this year imagine what kind of a world that would make. You don’t need to have money to do this it can be something really simple like a hug, a smile, wishing someone well, inviting for a coffee and cake or a sandwich.  If you can invite someone to your lunch / dinner on Christmas day then please do that too. So many people are alone and frightened at this time with what is happening in the world. These simple little things that we can all do to help and support others make huge differences. So many people are hurting at this time that can’t be with their loved ones. We can all use this time to be unselfish and think of others and make that our christmas present to the world and another person. Changes are made when lots of indivuals  are kind and caring and take small steps to help others. If the whole world did that wow that would be the best christmas present for everyone.


if you see domestic violence happening in this christmas period please speak out contact the authorities so the person gets help. If you can help the person in some way then do this too but do not stay quiet and allow it to happen. It is up to all of us to speak out and stop it that takes all of us be responsible and acting when we see it happen. Please be safe and look after yourself and stay postive as much as you can and spread the joy and love of this special time to others.