This term is used by psychologist to describe people who are used to target another person. These monkeys will target an alone isolated person as a group of abusers. A bit like a mop attacking one person to mentally and physiologically take them down. Usually these actions will be done all together or continually 24 hours a day until the person being attacked is broken to the point of no return and can not get up again or be their former self. This is bullying at its worst and is very shameful behaviour. The goal of the group of monkeys is to break the person will and spirit. Sometimes to even get them to suicide so they take their life to escape this abuse. This behaviour needs to be shown for what it is very abusive and nothing to be proud of. If you have done this to anyone then you need to hang your head in shame and do some inner wound work on yourself so that you can do better in your life. Because what you are doing is great harm to another person who is innocent in this. Flying monkeys are order followers and can not think for themselves or connect with their own inner knowing and instinct in anyway. They need to feel into their own heart for what actions they need to take and do that. The poor victim of this abuse and bullying will feel confused, overwhelmed and not sure what is even going on or why they are being targeted by others. Often there will be no good reason at all except jealously and envy by the person at the top of the group. Only a very insecure person with lots of issues to work on will create this type of behaviour. This type of treatment is so abusive and controlling and is using ill intent to harm another person. This will not end well for anyone involved in this. A flying monkey can pretend to be your friend when in fact they are not it is all a lie and just to get information out of you that they need to use against you. They are really your enemy and not to be trusted at all in any way. What they really are is a scared, frightened bully who likes to control and harm others around them. They don’t care about justice or doing what is right and in the best interest of everyone. They will want you to summit to there whims of control and abuse but don’t you dare stand your ground and in your own power stay strong and be the better person and speak out about this for what it is abusive. Only a coward will behave like this towards a person who may seem weaker than them. The leader monkey will lie and cheat so you are targeted by them again and again.
Instead of following what another person does or says always check the information is correct as the person making all the noise may be the problem. Never just follow orders find out information so you have the truth and the facts of the matter. Speak to the people involved and get evidence from the horses mouth not gossip to go off. Do some digging of information so you know what the truth is. If you really have a problem with the person and you know its the truth go and talk to them face to face and find a solution. Never just believe the messenger in blind faith. You need to fight your own battles and not involve a group of people as this only makes the problem worse. Get as much real evidence as you can so you have the true facts to go off. When someone tells of an incident ask them for evidence of the facts before you believe them and speak about this. Fight your own battles not with a group of others who are getting involved. bullying and lying is often done behind the scenes to hide the truth facts. When you make another person lose and experience abuse this will always come back on to you as the law of karma which says what you do to another will come back to you so you experience the same thing. Creating a witch hunt on someone is an ill thing for you to do. It is domestic violence by a group and on steroids’. The fact that not one person stood up and questioned anything is a huge red flag for there selfish behaviour. Sometimes the lead bully or narcissist behind this will even pay people to bully you this is actually a criminal offence.
when you look back on how your behaviour do you feel bad? If you do then do some inner wound work so you get better. Always remember to forgive yourself for what you did and what happened too. It is important to find the lesson about this so that you can move on and do better next time. You could work on old beliefs you have or patterns that need to be worked on. The abuser and bullies should of spent their time working on their own issues and not targeting the victim. If they did this they would find their own gifts they own so they can use these in the world. They need to mind their own business work on themselves and not worry about what anyone else is doing. You the victim of this should still work on your personal issues so that this experience does not happen to you again. Work on self esteem, boundaries, core person values and if needed get yourself some support so you are not alone. When you raise you vibration you will be on a different time zone and these kinds of things will stop happening to you.Have a look at my website for some information or my u tube channel Suzanne Rosemary Day has lots of great info on abuse and bullying to educate yourself.