Fathers and good male role models have a very important job to do in a young girls life. They set the tone and teach a girl about how to be…
Do You Have An Elderly Person In Care?
Know How To Identify Signs Of Abuse? Unexplained marks on the body Breaks for no reason Reacting differently than normal Withdrawn behaviour Unexplained amounts of money gone Feeling frightened and…
Boys and Men Have Feelings Too!
We all have feelings and needs male and female. Boys can cry sometimes too because there are times when we are all hurting inside and feel upset or overwhelmed by…
Are You A Victim Of Gas-lighting?
So what is gas-lighting? It is a hidden form of mental and emotional abuse. It is done to make a victim doubt themselves and their sanity. Another reason it is…
Myths About Domestic Violence
There are a lot of myths about Domestic Violence and what it is and is not! Having a clear understanding will enable you to make good choices in your life.…
How Men Need To Treat Women
Men need to learn from when they are very young boys how to treat girls and women. To treat them with respect and kindness. To respect their boundaries, their bodies…
How Boys and Girls Should Treat Each Other!
How Boys and Girls Should Treat Each Other! Boys and girls need to treat each other with respect that means kindly and nicely no bullying, name calling or teasing. Learn…
Forgive Those Who Have Harmed You
Don't carry the trauma of abuse forgive those who have hurt you. This does not mean that what they did was ok because it is not ok to hurt or…
What Do You Do If You See Someone On Their Own?
No one likes to be on their own and have no friends! Here are some action steps to take to help them! Go up to them and talk to them…
What A Victim Needs To Hear
Safety comes first always in every case and needs to be present for a victim to heal. Acceptance, love, kindness, understanding. Allowing a victim to tell their story in their…