What Is Grey- Rocking?
This is when someone goes silent and does not reply to you. It is giving a person no answer for their abusive or rude remark or behaviour. Sweeping things under the carpet pretending nothing has happened and everything is normal when it really has taken place. To ignore someone and to walk away with love in your heart and to forgive them. To not confront the real issue, or person who caused the disrespect in the first place. To not answer someone when normally you would give them an answer. To stay silent about what matters and bad behaviour that is shown to you as you know it will only cause a fight. It is when someone is not feeling heard or of value to disappear with no answer or closure for the person to say nothing and leave an empty void when there should be an answer or reply. This is a special technique used to divert a toxic persons behaviour by acting unresponsive and not interacting with them to leave them with their own toxic behaviour in the space. To avoid eye contact to not show any emotions in a conversation to be reserved and to stand back. It can also be giving a very short reply to not elaborate or no, yes or a sound where there should be a reply and answer. It is also to leave the interaction as quickly as you can staying silent to leave an empty space, no drama or reply where there should be a response. This is a great tactic to use with abusive people as there is nothing left for them to go to no provoking reply. To ignore a person and to leave them alone with there own thoughts and emotions. Leaving a person defeated with no where to go and no answer. You are denying a person a space to say how they feel and what happened to them. When there is no response the behaviour can’t escalate any further as it has no where to go. It can also be just shrugging your shoulders or nodding your head or using a one word answer being very non committal. It is leaving the interaction and not biting the bait that was thrown to you. You want to leave as quietly and safety as you can and to ignore their bad behaviour. This type of technique can be used with anyone and all types of toxic behaviour in any dynamic. Especially when someone is trying to cause a fight of some kind. It can also be used when you are involved and there is a unavoidable interaction and you have been forced to engage with a toxic or a manipulative, controlling person who wants to upset you. So when you are in a domestic violence situation you can use this technique to help you dissolve the situation and to walk away the better person without causing more abuse. Its another tool in your tool box for you to use and hold your own power. However the best action of all is really to leave this abusive person and not to live in it anymore so you are kept safe and blocked from their abuse of you. Look for domestic violence support services in your local area so you are supported and no longer alone.