
What Happens When You Are The Scapegoat And Abused

What happens when you are the scapegoat and abused?

You will be blamed for all that happens in your family, group or community. It will all be your fault you are the cause they will say to you. What you will find is that you get projections sent to you continually saying that you are wrong, the cause, bad, evil or wrong. This happens because others will not take responsibility for their own actions and behaviours so they need to project these feelings and emotions onto you as the cause of all problems. You may feel like you are a punching bag for others to take their personal greaves out onto you. This can also be called blame shifting where another person is blamed for a problem that is occurring. The persons doing this are feeling entitled in some way. So they find a scapegoat to blame for all the problems that are happening around them. A scapegoated person will feel ignored, not loved or valued, not acknowledged for what they do and bring to the group or family. They will feel bullied with no time spent onto them by others. Often the scapegoat will have no idea why all of these things are happening to them.  What they have done to of caused all of this crazy behaviour. Scapegoats are often found to be more sensitive and gentle they are seen as a emphatic person who can take on others negative energy, thoughts and behaviours. You may feel stabled in the back by those around you, told to stay in your place and in the background not allowed to be in the light or show your skills to the world. All of this is very abusive to you to experience. Many scapegoats will hide away, not wanting to make trouble for others or speak out about what is personally happening to them. Accepting no love or support for them from others feeling blocked off from society in some way. You may feel left out, forgotten about, shut out, frozen out, or not allowed to contribute to society in any meaningful way. This will leave you feeling alone and isolated not knowing why or what you did that was wrong. You will know that there is something that is wrong but not understand what it is or what is really going on only that there is something happening behind your back. Often there will be lies and rumours said about you that are false and not true at all, when you experience all of this abuse it will stop you from receiving support that you need to get in your own life. Other people will not want to help or speak out about what they really know is going on they will choice to stay quiet to protect themselves. You will be seen in a negative light and discreated by others as others are told they need to stay away from you for some reason. If another person has a shortcoming they will project this onto you saying that you are the problem and the cause of this when really you are not. You can also receive the silent treatment which will confuse you as to what is really going on. Being sabotaged by others using grudges to turn others against you. Instead of blaming others the people involved in this behaviour need to work on their own wounds and look at themselves for fault. As this person creating all of these lies has a charter flaw that needs to be healed in them to do better and not project their flaws at others in this way. It is sad for this to happen to you and the people involved need to do their inner work and give an apology to the victim of this abuse to clear up all the lies that were told about them. We need to not make excuses for this type of behaviour they have shown to the world to abuse you as it is not OK to do this and to hurt another person in this way on purpose. Are you being scapegoated? If so take action, speak out and get support for you! Contact a counselling or a domestic violence agency and police for help so you are not alone fighting this battle. Educating yourself about this issue is also very helpful to you so you understand what is going on. Have a look on line for information or buy a book, go to a library and read about this abuse for help. You can also work on your wounds so you do better and not get triggered so much with a counsellor. You can also cut cords and contracts made about this with a healer or a spiritual person so you are not connected to this abusive energy.