A Narcissistic Person has several personality traits that make them easy to spot. They have an inflated sense of self and of their own importance in a relationship or in business. They always put themselves first and think that they are better than everybody else. They have a deep need for attention and admiration from everyone else for them to notice and talk about them. Having trouble showing empathy for others and understanding how other people feel. They can’t relate to others and have no empathy or consideration for what they feel inside. Often they will be demanding, belittling, intimidating, self centered, arrogant, cocky, manipulative , selfish, patronizing, degrading and bullies to others. There is a preoccupation with their own success and power often having fantasy’s that they want to full. Believing that they are better than everyone else and that they deserve to get the best every time. Having an unhealthy sense of entitlement and even that they deserve what others have too. Thinking nothing of taking advantage of others and using them till they are no longer of use then they will discard them. There sense of themselves is grandiose they hold no guilt for the misery that they cause to others lives exploiting them without shame or guilt. They live in a fantasy world being arrogant and having delusions about what they are. There is a constant need for superiority and constant praise and admiration in their relationships is imposed. Thinking nothing of taking advantage of others and causing them distress. They will have trouble being in relationships and keeping jobs. They will not change their behavior because they believe that they are perfect in every way and all problems are caused by others. Having no impact of the effects there behavior has on anyone else because they are so into themselves they can’t see another persons view of something. Always working to get there own way with everything no one else’s view or feelings matter to them. They don’t recognize other peoples feelings as mattering or important. Not believing that they have a problem as everyone else is always to blame. At the root of their problems they are very insecure of themselves and believe that they are never enough. Often being very envious of others and what they have. Their bad behavior is always rationalized to themselves and to others telling others that they are just jealous of them. They will think of nothing to twist the facts, to exploit and to rationalized their behavior. Ditching another person without warning and care to how it will effect them but this will always be after they have used your possessions, your body, your emotions, your money and your feelings. It is common for the person left to be like a shell with nothing left of them and feeling empty inside. They use people and belongs like objects to be used. They have a never ending void that they expect others to full. The symptoms they have impair their life and their abilities are always overestimated as are their accomplishments thinking to themselves that they are above others. They expect to have a perfect life and expect others to be perfect for them if they are not they will discard them without any thoughts for you. Treating others very poorly and using them to suite their own lifestyle. Expecting others to treat them better than anyone else and give them breaks when they need it as they think they are better then everyone else. They crave attention from others and will get angry and have tantrums when they don’t get it as they have an inflated ego.
Their condition is a mental disorder it can be managed but not cured so it is best to keep away from them and to be able to spot them when you meet them.
Moral: Be aware of bad core personality traits so that you can stay away from these people and have a healthy life!