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Victims Stories

Warning Signs Of Bullying Taking Place
Often when bullying is happening there are warning signs that your child is being bullied or is bullying someone else.Knowing about these warnings signs is a great way for you to protect and care for your child and other children.knowledge is key so learn about the warnings signs so you can help to stop it before it starts and gets out of control.
Children's Books
In order to have funds to help stop all domestic violence in our local town and community.
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We promote programmes and activities that help us to stop domestic violence from happening!
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We are all important and should not have to put up with violence anywhere from anyone.
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Educate yourself in matter of domestic violence so that you understand and know about all the forms of domestic violence and can spot it when it is occuring.
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Be a support person for someone in domestic violence. Inform the police of cases of domestic violence so that they can intervene and offer help.
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Here at stop all domestic violence we believe that everyone matters and everyone is included and worth helping and supporting.
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How to use Grey Rocking when in Domestic Violence ... See MoreSee Less
How to use Grey Rocking when in Domestic Violence
What Is Grey- Rocking? This is when someone goes silent and does not reply to you. It is giving a person no answer for their abusive or rude remark or behaviour. Sweeping things under the carpet…Comment on Facebook
here is a blog i have written on the heart chakra and domestic violence ... See MoreSee Less
The Heart Chakra and Domestic Violence | Stop All Domestic Violence
I have done the following courses Reiki Master, Genome healer, Life coaching, Neuro Linguistic programming, Matrix Therapies and Face reading, Domestic violence, Anger management and child care…Comment on Facebook
What is Bread-crumbing ? ... See MoreSee Less
What is Bread-crumbing ?
So what does this really mean? Bread-crumbing is a term that is used in abusive relationships where someone is in control of what another person is getting. It is a type of power play that is…Comment on Facebook
Here is a new blog on flying monkeys. please like and share this. thank you. ... See MoreSee Less
What is Flying monkeys?
This term is used by psychologist to describe people who are used to target another person. These monkeys will target an alone isolated person as a group of abusers. A bit like a mop attacking one…Comment on Facebook
here is a new post i have written ... See MoreSee Less
The Solar Plexus Chakra | Stop All Domestic Violence
For survivors of domestic violence it is very important that you work on your solar plexus chakra as this is all about taking responsibility in our lives and our personal power its feeling powerful .Comment on Facebook
here is a blog on bait and switch in domestic violence relationships ... See MoreSee Less
Bait and Switch in Domestic violence
So what is Bait and Switch anyway? Bait and switch is a tactic that is often seen and used in domestic violence and it is controlling and manipulation of another person. It is when you are in an…Comment on Facebook
here is another post on love bombing. ... See MoreSee Less
Love Bombing and Domestic Violence
So what is Love bombing? It is When a person lavishes gifts, attention and affection on another person. It can also be manipulation of another person. It is always over the top and above what is…Comment on Facebook
here is a new blog i have written to help domestic violence survivors. ... See MoreSee Less
Sacral Chakra Healing and Domestic Violence | Stop All Domestic Violence
I have done the following courses Reiki Master, Genome healer, Life coach, Neuro Linguistic programming and Face reading, Domestic violence, Anger management and child care worker. I am using the…Comment on Facebook
thank you
here is a blog on the root chakra which is all about feeling safe and secure ... See MoreSee Less
Working On Your Root Chakra | Stop All Domestic Violence
For survivors of domestic violence it is very important that you work on your root chakra as this is all about safety and security. As i am a Reiki Master, a light worker and a healer also a domestic�...Comment on Facebook