
Elder Abuse what is it and what can we do about it?

Here is some helpful information I wrote to help you to stop elder abuse happening to your loved ones.


 The signs of Elder abuse?

Unexplained marks on the body

 Breaks for no reason

 Reacting differenly than normal

Withdrawn behaviour, being very stressed

Unexplained amounts of money gone

Feeling frightened and afraid, not being themselves

Dirty and unclean

Not wanting to eat or participate in activities

Losing weight for no reason

 These could all be signs of elder abuse. Don’t dismiss it check it out be proactive about it. Ask lots of questions don’t stay slient. If you find something  contact the provider and the police. Keep reporting it until you get action. Get help so it stops and is investigated properly.The elderly are very vulnerable and often can not defend themselves. They rely on others to love, support, and keep them  safe. Also there are agencies who you can contact for help. Contact NSW elder abuse helpline 1800628221.

Moral; Be proactive protect and love your elderly so they are safe!