So what is self harm? it is any kind of behaviour that is harming to you physicallly emotionally or mentally. Many victims of domestic violence self harm as a way to cope with their feelings. It is actually a way for victims to stay alive and survive as it relieves the awful emotional pain that they feel without ending their life. No one self harms for attention every victim i have met has a lot of shame and blame for their behaviour and many hide it from those around them for years to frightened to talk about it. Self harming can come in many different forms and behaviours. Like cutting, hitting, breaking bones, drinking, drugs, food, medication, workaholic, shopaholic, foodaholic gambing. It is all a form of abuse against yourself which is not ok or helpful to you. But if you do any of this remember one thing you are not alone there a lot of people going through this too. So what do you do if you self harm well go for help there is a lot of help out there. See a counsellor or ring a call number for help for you. Other places that you can go to for help are local mental health support services, domestic violence centre or support group, lifeline, or see your local dr for a counsellor in your area that you can go to for help. Self harm hides the pain that you feel but does not take away the pain it is still inside you trapped. In order to heal you need to see someone to work with you to help you to deal with it. Get yourself support the more support that you get the better it is for you. Don’t feel ashamed as it is a very common problem that is not talked about often but it needs to be talked about and addressed so that things will get better for you. It will not go away on its own so speak up and be proactive about this. Also be patient and kind to yourself as it will take time to heal and work on this. But with time and effort it will get better and you will live a better life as a result so it is worth the effort you take. By you coming forward and talking about this you are giving others the confidence to work on their issues as well. So be brave and take the step to improve your life.
Some times if you self harm it can be a warning sign to you that what is going on is not ok and that you need to take a look at what is happening as some one could be volating you in some way. You still need to work on your self harming and your triggers so you handle your situation better. But it is a way to see the situation in another way and at what is really going on that made you so distressed.