
How Men and Women Need To Treat Each Other 21 Jul

How Men and Women Need To Treat Each Other

How Men and Women Need To Treat Each Other


Men need to learn from when they ate very young boys how to treat girls and women.

To treat them with respect and kindness and to respect their boundaries, their bodies and feelings.

It starts in childhood being taught not to look up dresses or down tops to respect their feelings and thoughts and bodies.

Little girls and women need to let me me show their feelings and to cry.

That it is ok to show and to express their feelings that real men are in touch with their feelings and don’t bottle up how they feel.

That it is safe for men to say how they really feel and to say it in a non aggressive way so they feel heard.

It needs to be normal in society for women to be treated with respect and for any man or boy who does not to be told in a positive way by men and women for them to use respect with woman and girls. It also needs to be ok for others to step in and to say something when they observe anyone being disrespectful to either sex male or female.

If these changes are made I think that it will make a difference there will still be psychopaths who are damaged people in society but these people when found need to be labelled and separated from others some how to keep society safe from them bad behaviour.


How Boys And Girls need To Treat Each Other

Boys and girls need to treat each other with respect that means kindly and nicely no bullying, name calling or teasing

.Learn how to ge a good friend to them.


Here Are Some Points To  Think About!

1 Respect others personal boundaries

2 No looking up girls dresses or down tops

3 No touching without asking first if it is ok

4 Treat girls gently

5 Allow boys to cry and show their feelings

6 Being kind to each other

7 Treat others as you would want them to treat you

8 Don’t make them feel bad or sad

9 Be a good firend to both sexs


Moral Treat others as you would want them to treat you!

Under home under the information already there.


 What A Victim Needs To Hear

Safety comes first always in every case and needs to be addressed for a victim to be able to leave a dangerous situation.

Then education can begin and the journey of healing can start to be addressed with the layers of abuse coming off.

No victim can heal without their safety taken care of first.

Acceptance, love, kindness and understanding need to be present also.

Then the victim needs to be able to tell their story in their own way that is safe for them.

Allow them to use their own words and feelings so that they can express how they feel and what was done to them and how they were violated.

It is part of the healing process to talk about all the abuse so allow them to tell you how they feel and what was done to them.

Being allowed to say your truth is so powerful for a victim of abuse it is the beginning of a victim healing.

So remember that you are allowing them to heal a deep painful wound. They may need to tell you several times so be patient with them and kind.

Allow a victim to heal in the way that they want to that is healing for them as every victim is different and has different needs and wants and needs to find healing in their own way.

No way is right or wrong it is what works for you is the journey you must take. Whatever makes you feel lighter and brighter that is the way to go.

A victim may need to tell you their abuse over and over again remember you are helping them to heal by allowing them to speak their truth.

They will have bad and good days that is all part of the process.

Don’t ever say it was your fault or you are to blame the abuser is responsible for the abuse and the victim is responsible for their recovery.

Never tell them to shut up or go away or that they need to get over or get a handle on it, because abuse has many layers of healing and it can take a while for the healing to happen but it will in its own way.

Always always always believe a victim it is not easy to talk about abuse and what has happened to you it takes courage and strength. Don’t Judge them you may not know all the facts yet.