It’s bad enough being sexually assaulted and all the trauma that goes with that but then to having some crazy law that says you are not allowed to talk about it afterwards is madness. Well that is the case at the moment for a victim in Tasmania. She wishes to talk publicly about her sexual assault using her real name and she is not allowed to. It is against the law for her to do this. We all need to get behind her and support her because this is just making her less powerful and taking away all her power all together. You see sexual assault is about power and control not really about sex. Sex is used as a weapon to hurt and injure and control you. This law is making it harder for her to recover and do better. So lets all get the law changed so that victims are not shamed into staying quiet and powerless. Because we need more victims to speak out and to let others know that they are not alone in their journey of recovery. There is so much shame already in being a sexual assault survivor so lets not make it harder for victims. It is the abuser that needs to feel the shame not the victim she or he has done nothing wrong at all.
Lets make it better for victims of sexual assault survivors so that you can get better and lead a healthy happy life again witout sexually assault happening to you. Also it is very healing for you to speak out about what happened to you and to have the truth known to all. Nobody benefits by staying quiet not lest of all the victim of this crime. Yes that is right it is a crime to be sexually assaulted and one of the hardest for a victim to get over so lets all work together to get changes made for sexual assault victims. Because the law needs to be changed so that the victim has the power to control what she does after her sexual assault. Who she tells what she does with her story that is up to her give her all the power there is so that she can do better in her life and recover in her own way. Being able to tell my story and asking other victims of sexual assault to come forward that was very healing for me and it would be for other survivors too. so let have commonsense rule here.Part of the healing process is being able to talk about it
Moral: Let victims speak about sexual abuse so they can get healing!