
Support A Victim Of Domestic Violence

We all know of stories of victims of domestic violence and you will often ask but why does she not leave? The answer to this is varied but here are some common ones. Fear, old beliefs keeping them stuck, no support, no where to go, no way out, no money to go anywhere, no way to ring or escape, programmed to stay. Leaving domestic violence is not easy and often victims will try again and again to get away. Yes males can be victims too and are often silent for years before they go for help some suicide because they feel so shamed and frightened of getting help speaking of the abuse. So if you see or know of a victim of domestic violence be kind and don’t blame the victim. Offer your support, ring the police if you hear it, give her or him information to read, give her or him a contact number to ring or ring it for her or him if they have no phone or money. It takes a lot of courage to leave a violent situation I know i left many, many times before I finally had, had enough and could not take it anymore. It takes a lot of work from the victim to get out of this situation so think of what you can do to help. Maybe a lift to a police station a phone call it all helps. The truth is it is up to all of us to be the ears and eyes for victims and speak up about what you see and what you hear. Because there are always signs of Domestic violence in every single case someone out there saw or did something and knew that something was not right. So be proactive and speak up by doing nothing you are allowed a bad situation to continue. Set the tone and make it Not OK for it to happen in your community. Call your local police station or 000 if you need to but do something to help and make it stop.We are all part of the solution to this so please do your part and help. Don’t allow a bad situation to continue you never know what your kind act can do to change a life and a family in need. There is always something you can do to make a difference and make the situation better. Be the change maker and stand up to domestic violence by making a call and not allowing it to continue in your neighbourhood. Your  small actions can change and save a life today.

Moral: Stand up to domestic violence and stop it happening in your community when you see it happening!