
What Is The Real Message Of Christmas

Christmas is a special time for many of us but as you go about your day in the weeks coming up to christmas. I would like you to think about what the true message of christmas is and what you personally can do to help someone who’s christmas is not so great. Because this is really the true message of christmas being kind and caring to others thinking of them in there time of need. So many people are not having a great christmas and have very little to look forward to so what can you do. Can you offer support, love, kindness a hug, a gift. Can you invite them to your Christmas lunch or party can you do something to brighten their world. Many at this time have lost homes, business or even family members they are grieving in shock and dispair they are frightened, traumatised and alone so what can you do. We can all make difference and make life better for someone that we know or have heard about.  If you don’t know some one then their are charities you can donate to overseas or in Australia to make someone christmas brighter. If you can’t donate you can give the person a hug say hello or something simple like that because it all makes a difference and makes life better for others. You could donate your time to helping a charity that’s something that is always needed. When we are making life better for others it makes us feel better too. Lets not forget our emergency services who often work Christmas Day and our Rural Fire Services and support personal who are run off there feet at this time looking after and protecting us from the fires remember to think of them and say thank you for their kindness and hard work for us. They unselfly put their life in danger for us everytime they go to work.  Then there are the farmers and the communites and towns affected they are hurting too. There is so much all of us can do. So lets make this the best christmas for everyone and show the true spirit of Christmas in our actions, words and thoughts. Here is another idea go to an affected area and donate your time your gifts or your support. Lots of little towns in Australia are hurting at this time. You could plan a hoilday to that area so the whole town benefits from your being there. You could buy petrol or a meal or stay the night it all helps to help the town. I’ve had people come to my stalls and tell me they are taking trailor loads of their personal beglonging to those who have lost everything for complete strangers. What a wonderful gift that would be for someone who has lost everything in a fire. Or for a farmer not able to have anything for christmas.Some rural fire service personal have no money for christmas or even there bills so what can you do to help them. What ever you do this Christmas remember and think about what the true message of christmas is.  What you can do to help because we can all make a difference to some one who is hurting at this time. I know what I want for christmas to spend time with loved ones old and new. Also to start my new relationship with my husband that would be the best present there is for me much more than any big present hope you hear this Darryl. Where are you hiding? Still want to see you on christmas day that would be a great present.


Moral: Think of others at christmas and remember the true message of christmas is love, giving and helping others!