Lets Make The World A Better Place
A personal goal of mine since i was very young has been to make the world a better place to show kindness and love to others and all…
Are You In Fear Or Love?
Every action you take in life you are responding from fear or love! If you think about this and when you are about to make a decision think am I…
Who is going to save them song
Who is going to save them song Who is going to save them Who is there for them They are lost souls in need of healing All those abusers they…
What Happens To Your Children When You Have Domestic Violence Near Them?
Experts will tell you that there is terrible damage being done to your children when they hear or see domestic violence happening around them. Also it is a proven fact…
Add Your Story To Make A Difference To Domestic Violence.
I believe that every story of domestic Violence matters no story is more important than any other. The truth is we all matter and all our stories matter they all…
Domestic Violence and the Aborigine Community
The other day I heard a media person talk about this and say that in the Aborigine Community domestic violence is five times worse than in the white community. I…
What Happens In The Honeymoon or Reconciliation Cycle
I remember this cycle so well when I was living in domestic violence. I would have a restraining order on my abuser and he would repeatedly come back to me…
Changes To The System
Thank you to all the victims who have come forward to speak to tell your stories or to be at marches. I say well done and continue we will get…
Speak Out About Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
The time is now to speak up about sexual assault and domestic violence with all the press in the media being talked about it. I would like victims to come…