It is any action which is forced, coerced or tricked into taking part in a sexual act. It includes being exposed to any sexual action against your will. Also it…
Spend Quality Time With Your Children
Spend Quality Time With Your Children What your children remember and learn from is what you show and teach them. If you spend quality time with them every week. They…
I Choose To Look At The Postive
I choose to work on what makes things better and not to talk about how bad things are all the time. Because when you work on the good and the…
True Value Comes From The Inside Not The Outside!
True Value Comes From The Inside Not The Outside! Sophie wanted to look good to her friends she was a teenager and image was important to her at that time…
How To Work On False Beliefs?
Some times victims have false beliefs which make it very hard to move forward and make a decision on what to do when domestic violence happens to you. Here is…
What is Physical Abuse?
What is Physical Abuse? Shaking Pushing Punching Dragging Holding down Hitting Slapping Beating Whipping Body blocking Restraining These are all forms of physical abuse. It can be very confronting and…
What Is A Narcissistic Person?
A Narcissistic Person has several personality traits that make them easy to spot. They have an inflated sense of self and of their own importance in a relationship or in…
What Happens When You Use Domestic violence In Front Of Your Children?
When you use domestics violence in your family in front of your children. You are sending them the message that their life has no or little value. Their self esteem…
Why High Self Esteem Matters
High self esteem matters because how you function as a person is determined by your self esteem. If you have low self esteem it affects every part of your life.…
Educate Yourself About PTSD
Education is key to doing better so the best thing an abuse victim can do who has PTSD is to educate themselves so they know what is going on. For…